Saturday, June 2, 2018


Some people just need to get over themselves.  The world does not revolve around you!!!!  Like it or not that's just the way it is!!!!

If you want to be treated the way that you treat others, just keep on giving out what you give to others and you will get back the same.

If you are mean and hateful that is exactly what you will get back!!!  If you are loving and forgiving you will get that back also.

It's not just karma, it's God's law.  He clearly tells us that in His word.  Read it sometime.  He says who we bless he will bless, who we curse he will curse.  However He also states that our actions and what we do will surely have an effect on us.

What you reap you will sow, whether good or bad.   So treat each other with kindness.

God put into motion the effects of karma, for he said what you reap you will sow.  Always remember what you give out you will receive, like it or not that is the way it is. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not.  You will reap what you sow.  (If you don't know what that means look it up)

Whether in this life or the next, you will be judge, so accept Christ as your Savior and ask him to guide you to do what is acceptable in the eyes of God,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Beauty of God’s Earth

Do we really enjoy it?

Sitting on the porch, looking out over God’s creation I wonder how many out there really appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.  I have an awesome view from my front porch.  Looking straight ahead I see my neighbor across the street house along with the tulip tree in the front yard.  This huge tree that is in their backyard that I have no clue as to what it is.

On the horizon there are scattered about houses on the hillside, trees of many varieties, blue sky with wisp of clouds and birds flying through the air.  I see the green grass and hear the chirp of crickets, not to mention the song of birds.  Lady walking down the street with her dog and earphones in, I don’t think she knows what she’s missing by not listening to nature.

On my left are more wonderful trees, grass, other plants, also a truck and an outdoor play set, swing, sliding board and room to run around.   On my right I’m seeing a beautiful sunset along with other neighbors’ homes and yards, hill sides and people passing by walking their dogs.
It’s a beautiful world that we live in, that God gave us and I believe that most do not appreciate it.  I thank God everyday for the beauty and wonder of his world.  It is His world and he gave it to us.

He gave it to us to care for and to nurture it, to bless it and make it beautiful.  He provided all that we need to make it beautiful.  Although it was beautiful to begin with, man decided to destroy what was given to him and it became ugly.   However!  Since God is the creature and we are creative beings I believe that he made us to also be creative in whatever we decide to do.

We are creative beings and most of us just don’t realize how creative we are.  Okay let’s just say that you are an accountant (some would say no creativity in that) you do your job day after day after day same old routine.  Then wooollllaaaa you find a new way to do your job better and more efficiently.  This cuts down on the time to complete task and more free time so you are able to take on more clients.  This is creativity.

Do not ever think that you are not creative, for you are.  No matter what you do in life if you can think of a new way to do it you are creative.  Creativity is not just for the so called arts in the world (music, crafts, paintings, sculpture) although they are beautiful, there is so much more to creativity.

Think about it: if people were creative we would not have the internet and you wouldn't be reading this right now.  We wouldn't have Facebook and you wouldn't meet people from all over the world.  There would be no search engines to look up things you wonder about.  And one of the things that I like most is that I’m able to reconnect with people that I've lost contact with over the years.

These are from the imaginations of people and brought it to us that we are able to connect not only with friends from the past, also friends that we meet by being online.  If the people who made this possible were not creative we would never be in contact with other.
How about everything else from electricity to going to the moon and back.  Cars, lights, computers, bike, houses, and so many other things.  Oh yes we are creative beings made in the image of God.  Therefore we should never think for any reason that we are not creative.

How about when you decide to try something new for dinner, or rearrange your living room or bedroom or the way of doing things, decide to plant a garden, take a walk a different way.  This is all creative thinking and being creative.

There are so many ways that we are creative it’s difficult to list them all  The only thing I have to say if you think you are not creative THINK AGAIN!!!  You are and you need to thank God for all your creativity because He is the one that gave it to you.

Enjoy your creativity, if you don’t think you have any THINK AGAIN!!!  You do!!!   No matter what your job, no matter what you do, no matter what you think, YOU ARE CREATIVE!!!!   So take a look at what you do in every aspect of your life and you will find that you are creative.  Really you are, do not doubt it, you are creative and always give God thanks for your creativity no matter what it is, whether crunching numbers or making up a new brownie recipe, you are creative.

How often do you actually enjoy God’s handiwork.  Look about you and see the beauty that is.  This is an awesome planet and we have the privilege to enjoy it.  So not forget to enjoy the beauty, the awesomeness that we were given by our Creator and do not ever, ever forget to thank Him for it.  Our God, Creator is a wonderful, wonderful God to provide us with such beauty and we should be taken aback by it.

OH WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN!!!!!!!!   We need to learn to respect and appreciate all that God has given us, give Him the praise and glory that he so deserves.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!  Amen!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Questioning our faith.

Don't we all doubt our faith occasionally???  Wonder what it's all about and all that.  Question ourselves and wonder?? about everything.  God says to check ourselves.   So I often wonder.......about everything, God, angels, Lucifer, Jesus, Satin, spirits, etc.  I have a curious mind and want to know things.  And, yes I doubt my faith sometimes and I I helping or hurting the people I have meant in my life.  (Hopefully helping)  You just never know the impact you have on someone with a simple smile or hello.

Many times in my life I have questions, and have asked God for the answers and sometimes I'm just not sure if it was God answering them or if it was otherwise.

Just simple things in life like getting a job, did God actually provide that job for me or was it because I search diligently for it.

I have asked God for healing for people in my life to no avail.  They have died and it grieves me so that they are no longer with us.  I often wonder why some are healed and others are not.  Why did he not heal my mom, why did he not heal my future daughter-in-laws aunt, why didn't he heal my dad, etc, etc.

These are things we cannot know.

Also, I wonder why God doesn't speak to us any more.   Does he even care, if so why doesn't he talk to us.   I'm not talking about that still small voice inside us, I'm talking about talking!

A conversation, whether it be audible or not, something to know for sure that God, Jesus is speaking.  I don't want a feeling, that is just not enough, I want to know for sure that I've actually heard from God.  The creator of the universe, the world and all that there is.  I want to know for sure that he actually gives a damn!!!!!!!!!.

Sometimes and a lot lately I don't think He does.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

God has got my back?

I have heard people say that God has got my back.  What they mean by that I often wonder.

God has got my back to protect me from certain people, situations, etc.

Well to me God doesn't have your so called back unless you are truly following Him.  Why in the world would God have your back if you are not listening to Him.

God doesn't have you so called back, what ever that means, if you don't obey Him.   Your troubles will find you out sooner or later.  Like it or not, that is just the way it is.

My troubles have found me and now I'm working on them and have ask God to forgive me.  I know He has and is continually working on me.

I thank God daily for all things.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Searching for God

Often I wonder am I the only one trying to figure out God and understand Him.  I know that I am not, however it feels like that most of the time.   I watch and listen to others around me and it seems to me that they have it all figured out.  How God works in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.  I listen and listen and wonder why am I not hearing God when so many others are, on what seems to me a daily basis.

I study and I pray, I read about other religions and cultures for the bible says to study to prove yourself approved.  This of course is not an exact quote.  So I read and I read some more.  I’ve read mythology, about other religions,  history and so on.  I am currently reading a book that’s call “God is not one”.  It is very interesting, it talks about the worlds most popular religions and why we need them.  Although I haven’t finished it as of this writing I would recommend it anyway.  It explains the different religions and cultures, etc.  A very fascinating read.

In my searching and trying to understand and feelings of totally being rejected by God, I think I’ve come to a conclusion.  I may be totally wrong on this, no matter here it is.  Although I search and search, continually ask for proof (guidance, help, healing, job, finance, and anything else you can think of)I may be one of those who may never really feel or realize that God is there.

My thinking is to some extent that God is just out there watching and not having much to do with the human race.  I often wonder does he actually care what is going on with each and everyone of us on an individual basis.  How can anyone help but wonder that, especially when prayers aren’t answered.? 

God, or at least the Bible says we are to look to Him as a father figure.  What if your father sucked, does that mean God sucks.  Your father was a drunk or abusive, or not there and didn’t care.  Are we to look to God like that???!  If we looked at God like that, then what’s the use of even having a God or believing in him? 

I sincerely believe that needs to be reworded especially for those of us who have or had a father that wasn’t always there for us (oh yes maybe our dads loved us, another story altogether).   Maybe it should be stated something like this:  God is always there for you no matter what (something like a best friend maybe (even best friends will leave you or disappoint you).  Actually I’m not really sure how it should be worded for the simple fact is any scenario is really not accurate.
In conclusion I just want to say, I haven’t given up on God just yet, although sometimes I feel like it. 

So my question to God is:  Where are you and why is it so difficult for me to feel, see, hear you?  And:  Are you there God?  I know you are there somewhere, because you said you are, so where are you?  Anyway God I will continue to pursue

If you enjoyed this read please comment and share.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why God?

I have a question for God and anyone that wants to answer this would be ok with me.

Why God when we ask for you to fix us or to intervene, you do not respond, you do not anything.  Why God when I ask you to help me, to guide me I hear nothing from you.  Where are you God.  I’m supposed to trust you, how can I trust you when you never are around, when you never help, when you never intervene.

I wonder and I wonder, wonder, where are you?  Do you even exist, and if you do, do you even care and where are you.

At one point in my life, or maybe several, I looked to you for guidance, hope and someone to care for me, instruct me.  I have been asking my whole life, and still I come up empty.

Where are you God???????????  I haven’t left you, I’m searching and searching, but for some reason I can’t seem to find you!  Where are you???

You said Ask and you shall receive, well I’m asking and I’m not receiving.  I’m asking God where are you and why are you not being a part of my life.  Why are you so aloof.  Why are you not here with me, why do you avoid me?  What have I done God that you will not answer me.

Oh God I want so much to believe in you, you give me no reason to.  You wouldn’t heal my mother (although from what I’ve heard in testimonials you have healed others) but when it came to my mom you ignored our plea for her.

Yes, once again I am very angry with you God.  Angry that you didn’t heal Mom, angry that I’m not at a job that I really, really like, angry for a lot of things.
You gave a lot of promises in your word so called Bible, etc. however I’m not sure I have seen them yet.  Maybe Lord I’m looking for the so called impossible (I know nothings impossible with you, according to the Bible)   However Lord, I wonder and I wonder almost continually where you are in my times of trouble and why you don’t intervene!!!

Where are you God????????   Where are you????  I wish I knew.  I search and I search on a daily basis, I cannot seem to find you.  Where are you and do you even care.  I’m so tired, Lord oh so tired of trying to do what you want and trying to live life as you directed.  I really don’t know what to do anymore.  I just don’t know anymore.  I really wish, wish, almost that I would get a bolt of lighting from you, just so I knew that I was or am in your care.

I think you forgot about me God, I don’t know anymore,  I’m just as lost now as I was 30 yrs ago (give or take a few years).   I’m searching and searching, but I can’t seem to find you.  You said you would never leave or forsake us, I feel forsaken.  Where are you????????

I’m beginning to think God that you really don’t give a shit!  It’s been way too long God!!!  I’ve been trying to figure you out since before junior high, I’m close to 60 and I still can’t seem to figure you out or get close to you as others have (or did they).

Who are you God? What are you? And do you actually care?

This is written in hopes of a response.  If you would like to respond please do, I’m looking for answers.  Some question may not be able to be answered, no matter all comments and suggestions will be read. 
Thank you. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just Wondering

Do you ever just wonder where God is?  And what the heck He is doing.  I have!
Just curious what is your opinion on God and what the heck is he doing?

I have wondered many times where God is and what the heck he's doing.  He doesn't seem to be helping or assisting me in any way.   Is what I have been doing and getting a product of my own doing, or is God somehow involved?  And if God is actually involved in it why don't I know that????

It really puzzles me on this whole thing about God and what He's so called doing???!!!

I don't know what God is doing!!!  And I don't know if He actually cares what is going on in my life!!!  If He did well then maybe I wouldn't be in this situation.

This is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  Does God care and if he does why doesn't he help, why doesn't he talk to me and where in the world is he.

He's suppose to be a comforter, a guiding force, a help in times of trouble, a miracle worker, etc.  I don't see that.

WHERE IS GOD????  And why is He not answering my prayers.   Why is it constantly a daily struggle to believe in Him and trust Him?   I wish I knew!

Anyone out there have any suggestion other than just trust and obey or don't give up, just rely on God he will answer.

I don't want generic answers as listed above or other generic answers concerning that.  I want genuine answers.

I'm so tired and fed up with oh just trust God, he'll make it happen, just wait and see that the Lord is good, and all things work out for the glory of God.  Yeah, well that may be true, why don't I see it in my life.

What is the Glory of God, why doesn't he make it happen, why are things not working out in my life: and how can I give glory to God when my life is in such a shambles???

I don't think I will give up on God,  I'm just wondering on what God will help me with if anything.  Maybe, just maybe God will someday finally talk to me and answer me.

I do believe there is a God and that he is almighty, however I don't think (at least for now) He really gives a crab about what's going on in our lives.