Saturday, April 21, 2012


I really wonder sometimes, I mean really wonder why siblings will not forgive.  As for that matter why will you not forgive a friend.

You can forgive someone and renew your relationship, but sometimes, just because of the hurt the relationship cannot be renewed, at least not the way it used to be.

The only reason I bring this up is so many people out there are holding grudges against people that don't even know or even care that there are grudges or ill feelings are held against them.

We all have to get over ourselves (and we are all into ourselves, one way or another)and learn to forgive others.   If we do not forgive other nor will we be forgiven by our Father in heaven.   This is not my thought: this is what the word of God say.

We need to forgive and move on in our lives.  It doesn't mean we have to associate with these people any more, we just need to totally forgive them and accept them for who they are and let God work out the rest.

Holding grudges and holding people accountable only destroys ourselves.  The reason I say this is from experience from many years ago when I held a grudge against someone.  The person you are holding a grudge against doesn't even know that you have a grudge against them nor do they care.

When I ran into this person years later, I realized that they had no clue and I was only destroying myself.  I let go of the grudge (hatred, whatever) and moved on with my life.

I have found in my life (I'm 57 if that makes a difference)holding grudges and not forgiving others for the wrong they have done us, only hurts ourselves and not the person we are against.

Well that's my thought for today.  Comments are always welcomed.


Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I am a new follower here. Interesting post and good advice. I find it hard to live by at times. I have an ex who destroyed my relationship with my two daughters. I try to forgive and I think I do, that is until he shows up at a function and makes it obvious he is still a lying jerk, then forgiveness kind of goes away. I keep trying.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your post, with some sound advice. I'll be back be well.

Julia said...

I know it's hard to forgive at times, that's when we need to put our faith in God and ask him to allow us to forgive through him.