Friday, April 27, 2012

Written in Stone for a reason.

I read an article today that talks about a preacher who decided to rewrite the ten commandments.  He stated they would be easier to understand and follow the way he rewrote them.  (I personally don't find them difficult to understand the way they are)

I read his rewrite and it's more like suggestions not commands.  His working is such to me anyway that this is the way we should live and gives his 10 guidelines.  He state that the commandments are out dated and needed to be revised for modern man.  (Are you kidding me???!!!)

Gods commandments have been in place for thousands of years and now this guy comes along and has the audacity  to think he can change them to suit his needs and wants.

I think  most of us have heard the old saying: "It's not written in stone..." meaning it can be changed.   Well guess what folks the TEN COMMANDMENTS WERE written in STONE, therefor the;y can not be changed and it's not up for debate.   It is my believe they were written in stone for just that reason.

God does not change nor does his word change.  Mankind tries to manipulate Gods word to his own design and desire, take verses out of context, turn it around and have it say or mean what they want it to instead of listening to what God has to say to them.

I sincerely hope people that you don't decide to use this guys suggestions rather than follow what God said.  Remember what Jesus said in the new testament. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt. 7:15.   One thing that bothers me is how many people agree with this guy.

Here are the links to the articles I read.  After you read the articles please leave a comment here I would love to know your thoughts about this.
Church adopts new 10 commandments.
Church adopts.
To open links in new window or tab, right click.


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